Saturday, 19 July 2014

Update! (yesterday was rubbish!)

Hi everyone!

Well, I didn't update yesterday because I was feeling more unwell that usual. I began sweating, feeling very sick and became very drowsy/lethargic to the point where the staff (including a doctor) were struggling to wake me up again. I kept having a really weird sensation of feeling like I was half in a dream but knew I was awake, I didn't like it one bit! In the end we decided I was probably a bit dehydrated because it's so hot in the little side rooms. I had a bit extra water flushed down my tube, and they took bloods (out of my foot) to be on the safe side.

Then at about midnight, after waiting all day for a new cannula, a love sister arrived to put one in. My veins hate me at the moment, even though I have plenty of 'new' veins in my feet, it still took 3 attempts to cannulate.

I'm still in a lot of pain in the lower half of my body, and will definitely ask to see the pain team tomorrow. I'm also feeling very nauseas which we believe is down to the fact that I am on a lot of pain relief already, and most of them can cause sickness.

I am just so exhausted all the time! I literally sleep most the day and all night, I feel awful because sometimes I have visitors and I sleep the whole time they are here! I manage to sleep in my chair a little while last night in my wheel chair :)

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