Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Cannula change wasn't a pleasant experience.....

Well, I am struggling to update or talk to anyone because of the fact that my  body is filled with pain relief and my mind is totally worn out. I can make myself look reasonably okay with pretty filters and editing like this.... 

When the reality is Infact this....

I am so spaced out, because of the pain, and then I stop feeling spaced out when I have pain killers but they create a new sensation in my body that is just as weird!

I'm falling asleep whilst typing this because I'm just so weak from the pain. 

The rhuematologist came today and is going to test me for different things. I will try and say more about that before I have morphine tomorrow, or get my mum to post on here! 

It took 17 attempts to cannulate me today by four different people. This is the outcome: 

My veins are just not happy! 

Tomorrow I have no idea what is happening, I can't actually recall much of what anyone has told me today.

Thanks all,

Chloe xxxx

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