Friday, 25 July 2014


This morning I have woken up feeling pretty awful, I am in pain and exhausted, even though I have slept for hours! I keep being sick for no apparent reason and It's TOO hot!

This Morning Dr. M came to see me, they are still somewhat baffled as to why I am being so sick and cannot allow me home because the medication I need I cannot have in the community. He spoke a bit about my Gastroparesis and Bowel Dysmotility and explained the pain management consultant isn't able to come and see me until Monday. It's all so frustrating!

Dr. M then came back and said he needed a chat with Mum and I. He is concerned that although the neurological team have seen me, he has asked him to come back and do some expensive blood tests and nerve/ muscle conduction tests.  I don't mind what they do to be honest, I just want to feel better and have my independence back! He says he "just has a feeling" and needs all avenues to be covered for peace of mind.

I'm desperately trying to keep my morphine to a minimum as I know it doesn't help my dysmotility but with the pain being so severe its difficult to know what takes priority.  It's an awful feeling not knowing and being in this situation.  Mum is still staying with me all the time to help with my anxiety, maybe next week we'll have some positive news?

I wont lie, I am very worried right now. So much seems to be going wrong in my body and it's hard to cope with when on top of it all you are completely exhausted. But, I have faith in Dr. M and his team, he has looked after me so thoroughly!

Love to all xxx

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