Friday, 15 August 2014

Update from Mum!

Well what an exciting, but exhausting couple of days we've had.  A complete turn around, of course Chloe's pain and illnesses haven't gone away (that would be a miracle) but her strength and fight have returned.  Her will to get home, to make the most of her situation.

Yesterday we had our first venture into the big outdoor, beyond the gates to the big house (hospital), home for a few hours, who would have thought this would have drained every ounce of energy, but just to see chloe on her bed in the family room was worth it.    She snuggled her baby rabbits, laughed and joked, then we noticed the time....We even had a few minutes to call in to see Phil, his eyes lit up to see his girls xx. Ooops, back to Coventry.

Today we went to fosse park Leicester, fitting for a wheelchair.... Wow, I hadn't realised the calculations, trying out, measuring, blah blah, just to get the right chair, then the cost £1400, that was a wake up call, but if that's what's needed.

Back through the gates we came, exhausted once again, but reality that there is hope, there is light and we are on the way to being homeward bound. 

The weekend is here and we have 2 yes 2 home leaves of 7 hours aaarrrgghh!  Is this really happening, are we really only steps from getting home?

Our continued thanks to all that are fund raising, supporting, selling Chloe's wristbands, just sending a message to let us know they care, Thank you so so much .

Suze xxxx

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