Thursday, 21 August 2014


Well, after much debate and discussion as a family we have decided to come away for the weekend. Now I know many of you will be thinking "but you've only just come out of hospital?!" But we have our reasons! The thing is I have been in hospital the whole of the summer holidays, and we have had no holidays. We have spent no time as a family because Mum and I have always been at the hospital and we need to be a four again. It's actually better for us at the hotel because it has wheelchair access. And I have a suitable space for my needs, something we actually don't have at home. 

Bristol is close in case we need to come home and it's a nice hotel so I can just chill in the room and sleep whenever I need to, whilst Joshua can play in the pool. I sort of felt the need to explain myself and the reasons behind our time away. 

So, we are going on a road trip....

And I have one excited brother! 

My first night at home was hard, I am struggling with the mattress that I have been given and already have a sore for ring on my left foot. If I am honest I woke up screaming in agony because my legs hurt so much. Luckily mum was close by to turn me, as I am unable to do that on my own. 

There is alot to sort out. But after the last four months there is nothing we cannot handle :) 

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