Tuesday, 9 September 2014

NHS, I have no faith in you anymore.

Things aren't good right now, my body isn't comprehending and all I ask is a doctor treats me with the care and respect I deserve. I've had no feed for five day and no medication either. I didn't see a doctor until four I clock yesterday  even though I was admitted the day before, no bloods have been taken and no drip. I am so upset that all I need is support whilst being so unwell and it's just not happening 😥 I can't tolerate anything through the jej anymore, not even 5mls. There has been talks of TPN which petrifies me, and my picc line is most likely being put back in as finding access is getting far too traumatic for me and time consuming for doctors, especially as it needs an ultra sound machine. I just feel completely deflated, I thought thighs were getting better but they are Infact what seems to be getting worse.  

If nothing happens today we will take this into our own hands, I will leave this hospital and be seen elsewhere by healthcare professionals that actually want to support their patients. Mum and I describe this admission as "going back to a boyfriend you've been with before" it's never the same and there just isn't the same support and bond. It may sound silly but I am not in a good place. Right now my blood sugars are less than 3.2. What have they done about it? Nothing. I think it's completely outrageous and I'm getting to the point where I am angry because I am so scared no one seems to be doing anything. I am itchy from head to toe. I'm in agony.  I have a headache from dehydration and they just. do. not.care. 😥 

So, as I said I need to see a consultant today or I am not staying here, it's of no benefit at all lying in a hospital bed  when I could be a lot more comfortable at home.  Of they were doing something fair enough. 

NHS you are failing me and so many others, this just isn't good enough. 

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