Hi! I'm Chloe, I once was a medical mystery, I now try & take things as all part of a journey. I have a diagnosis of Addison’s disease, Gastroparesis, PoTS, Bowel Dysmotility, Fibromyalgia, MCAD & ME. Chronic illness is part of my life, but I still have my family, friends & my Heavenly Father. I have writing, drawing, dreaming and learning. & I'm still me! So here's my story, what's yours? Website: chloesdream.co.uk Fund raising: gofundme.com/fundingchloe
Saturday, 15 November 2014
It's been a while, but I am still here and still fighting!
My TPN (nutrition that goes straight into my blood stream) has increased in volume whilst giving me the same amount of calories in an attempt to combat my extremely low blood pressure that occurs at night time. I have been having regular blood pressures of 60's/30's which causes great concern to everyone as it becomes extremely hard to wake me. They began to give me bags of fluid on rapid infusion which was bringing my blood pressure up- so as a precaution I am now given some extra fluid to try and combat the symptoms before they happen. Although this doesn't always work, and I end up having rapid fluid infusions anyway.
I am still continuing to try my hardest to get back to tolerating enteral feeding. This is where I am fed liquid nutrition that goes straight into the tube surgically placed in my bowel. Although it has improved since I last updated, I still have a very long way to go with no idea how to get there. I am reaching my limits already, so how on earth am I supposed to deal with almost ten times as much as I am having already?! I have a plan to attempt next week to get there, as sometimes I find it easier to follow a strict plan, rather that 'going with the flow', because really- why would I put myself through the pain and nausea/sickness of feeds if I have nothing pushing me to do so? I have made the plan myself, so it feels somewhat realistic and not totally impossible. The feed I now have is completely different to the generic one I was on before. Instead it is a specialised feed that is designed for people with severe allergies and motility problems. Somehow it is partially digested when it is made, so my body has to do a lot less work. It also shouldn't cause so many Mast Cell reactions in my gut as it is extremely 'gentle' and known to be good for severe allergies. I must admit it has helped me go further with the volume, but I really do feel like I have hit a brick wall now.
Because of the amount I am being sick currently I have had a temporary drainage tube put into my stomach via my nose. If this works the plan is to then give me a surgically placed PEG that will be another tube in my tummy, to drain my stomach. This is a huge relief, as you know being sick itself makes you feel awful.
Chronic Fatigue
My sleep pattern is all over the place! Sometimes I am exhausted yet unable to sleep, whilst other times (like I did this week) I sleep for a ridiculous amount of hours, the record being 28-30 hours! I literally woke up to go to the toilet in this time and about an hour lying in bed, but still I was unable to stay awake. This is incredibly debilitating for me, as it is impossible to make any concrete plans as I never know what I will be like the next day. It is like there is a blanket over my brain making everything muffled so hard to understand and stones on my eyelids weighing them down. I never wake up feeling refreshed and sometimes it is hard to know when to go to sleep because realistically I am always tired so if I listened to my body I would never be awake!
I am currently on very little pain relief for my physical pain and although I don't often show it, I am in great discomfort most of the time, from head to toe. I would like this to be sorted but unfortunately think it will be something that will have to wait until I get home. The pain management team I have seen here have been incredibly useless to be honest, and I would be better of sorting it out myself rather than asking for their advice! It is like my joints are burning and my muscles/nerves are being ripped and torn constantly. As much as I want to do things, I can only reach the limits my pain sets which on some days is very low, although others can be a little better. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be 'pain free'?
No changes here, I am still totally reliant on my wheelchair, and due to my wrists being very temperamental at times I am struggling to transfer alone as well. I am wearing splints on my wrists and ankles to try and combat the problems my joints are causing. Although the wrist splints help me when I am self propelling my chair, they don't help me to transfer (when I need them most) so I still need assistance. I still have a slight loss of sensation in my bottom half and I usual feel more pain rather than someones touch. I am getting good at maneuvers and wheelies though! Sometimes you have to make fun out of a dark situation.
Right now I am finding it difficult to ever see an end to all this and that is what I find gets me down. I want to be at home so badly, but also know just how much everybody else wants it too.That makes me feel even worse because I just can't see how I am ever going to achieve what needs to be done, it is no way realistic in my eyes. I am still finding my anxiety levels are quite high, but I am a lot more confident spending time on my own at the hospital, knowing Mum is still on the end of the phone if I need her. I am spending a lot of time working on different projects to keep my mind active, as it is when I have too much spare time on my hands that my thoughts get the better of me.
Once again I am extremely tired and cannot keep my eyes open. Time for sleep and then I will continue!
So much love to you all xx
Monday, 20 October 2014
Sorry for my absence!
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I am so thankful I was able to go to Phils surprise birthday party, thank you to all those who looked after me! |
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A picture I took last autumn, hopefully I will be able to take many more soon :) |
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Christmas last year- this is roughly when I began to feel more unwell. |
Tuesday, 7 October 2014
Who Am I?
Monday, 6 October 2014
Yesterdays thoughts and Todays update...
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
"You're going to be here for a very long time"
Is she just being honest?
Does she care?
Does she believe me?
Is she another person that is going to blame the present on the past?
Before my questions could be answered she was gone.
That was the consultant, the big boss of the gastroenterology team.
And to be honest? I didn't know what to make of her. She woke me up which is something I find hard anyway as I go into such a deep sleep It takes me a little while to wake up. Then she started talking straight away. I tried to take in what she was saying, but I just couldn't! My brain hurt.
I felt like she was doubting me. "Your case is very rare you know?" "You certainly are complicated." I felt like saying "just because an illness is rare, it doesn't mean it doesn't happen to people." But I bit my tongue, smiled politely and in my head desperately willed her to leave.
Luckily she didn't stay long. I just wish I'd of had someone with me, to check that I'm not over reacting in the situation. To stick up for me and protect me. Words hurt just a much as actions sometimes! Sometimes when it is your health and your life on the line, you need a mediator. Communicating is hard hard work.
Health wise nothing has changed. I have started having some medication down my JEJ and oh dear it is the most painful thing I have had to deal with. But I need to stick with it, because if it helps me in the long run it is totally worth it! It is totally worth the pain if it means I can be stable enough to go home again :)
Home is ultimately where I want to be. I don't care about anything else and it is all I can think about right now. I want my comfort and the safety of my animals. I want my family to be whole again! I know it will happen, just maybe not for a while. Patience has never been a strong point of mine!
Grandma is here with me today, we are making a scrapbook :) I love a bit of cutting and sticking to take my mind off everything! Then I think I will do some painting and just keep 'doing'. Whilst i'm 'doing' i'm not thinking!
Thanks guys
Chloe xxx
Friday, 26 September 2014
A message from mum .........
How long is this all going to go on for? What is the end result? waking up daily with the same question, is today the day it will all end? It's extremely difficult being here day and night and not really seeing any significant change, especially a positive one. Watching the pain and suffering, being helpless as a mum to do anything but say, 'it'll be ok, everything's going to be ok'. Am I lying? Should I actually say it'll be ok when honestly I don't know!
So what has happened this week, dilemmas, that's for sure! Having to make the one difficult decision, to start a medication that can only be given through a jej that causes unbearable pain and twice a day, so how do you cope with the pain that this is going to cause, well in Chloe's case with her tolerance to pain it means high dose iv morphine and paracetamol together with high dose buscapan, buprenorphine, her butrans patches and a lot of will power deep breathing and a pillow tucked tightly around your middle!!
Mast cell (mastocytosis). Is this the cause of the sudden reactions? Once again time and medication will tell. The not so funny thing is, Chloe said about this weeks ago after endless research on the internet and talking with friends who suffer similar reactions that only now this is being questioned!
Today Chloe has had to endure another trip to theatre, a replacement central line, a seemingly straight forward procedure, well perhaps for others but when you have a tolerance to local anaesthetic extremely painful!
Living on the ward is exhausting, constantly putting up with inexcusable mistakes by staff, watching friends we have made on the ward also go through pain, misdiagnosis and continuous let downs, calling home trying to be positive, missing the normality of day to day life, but for now this is home, this is the battle, this is where I will stay, by Chloe's side praying for a positive outcome. Thank you to those who daily message me with hope hugs and prayers, I am eternally grateful for your support.
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
4am thoughts
Sunday, 21 September 2014
Weekend are boring, but better than Mondays!
I have so many ideas whizzing around my head right now about things I want to do. I am writing my book and finding it extremely therapeutic and beneficial whilst enjoyable too. I have an idea I can do from home and hospital to start earning some money, and also an organisation I would like to set up which I feel God is sending me a lot of direction to do.
All of this takes time (which I have plenty of!) but also energy, which admittedly I am lacking. I'm just really not the sort of person that can sit around doing nothing, perhaps something I need to get better at. It's a fact that rest heals.
I have a couple of interesting books I want to read, which will help me with my future plans and organisations. I also think it will add wisdom to my own book I am writing. I am taking things a day at a time, whilst still creating a future for myself. I refuse to let my illness beat me. In fact, my illness will NOT beat me!
I am going to prioritize the things I want to do and set aside a little time each day for the different projects. That way none of them will be forgotten and all will progress. I think this will really boost my self esteem and self worth.
I also need to work on my relationship with God, something that recently has been lacking. I guess sometimes it is really important to sit back and re-evaluate things. To see what things have been important in the past and should still be important now. I need to get back on track with daily study and prayer, I KNOW it brings blessings, so why am I stopping that for myself? I really have no excuse.
My education is something that will have to go on the back burner for a little while unfortunately, my concentration and ability to retain information just isn't up to standard right now and there is no point putting myself through the frustrating and upset intentionally. I have plenty of time to gain qualifications, and to be honest- I don't think you need qualifications to go far in life if you have strength, determination, wisdom and a drive to succeed.
Health wise I don't really know what to say. I am awaiting more surgery and we will take things from there. I am trying not to think about my health right now, and leaving that to others. It does get me down and right now I think it is important to stay upbeat and focused. Having a healthy mind is such a big part of having a healthy body. Obviously if something major happens with a breakthrough in treatment I will let you all know, but right now it is a matter of keeping me safe and stable.
I am spending time focusing on 'Chloe'. What 'Chloe' has as her needs a desires, regardless of how ill she may be. Because I AM still capable of reaching those desires.
I worry about Mondays, it brings doctors and ideas and stressful conversations. But I will deal with that when it happens.
Thanks Folks
Chloe xxx
Thursday, 18 September 2014
The raw and honest truth.
Saturday, 13 September 2014
A well needed update- although one I didn't ever want to have to write.
Then I began not tolerating my feeds also which had to be reduced and THEN....Then came the pain. The uncontrollable excruciating agony when Mum tried to flush any medication down the tube. The vomiting got worse, everything got WORSE. This then progressed to pain when the feed went through and no matter how much the amount I was just in agony and vomiting strong acid for at least a few hours after the tube was used.
In the end I called my dietician over at Warwick (the only contact we have), who made the decision to turn my feed off and send me to my doctors (who couldn't have been more useless!) So the following day we then made the decision to come back to A+E at UHCW. It was a good job we did. The triage nurse took my obs and rushed me straight through, got me on drips and told me never to listen to my doctor (who told me I would be fine until I stopped passing urine) and in the future go straight to A+E so my blood sugars don't drop so low.
Because I was unable to tolerate anything via the tube I missed my steroids- meaning my blood sugars could not regulate themselves and were dropping very low very quickly. The A+E doctors told me that the Gastro team wouldn't see me that night so to come back the next day to the acute medical clinic and they would arrange for someone from Gastro to be there. So we did. We waited ALL day. Did we see anyone from Gastro? No. So we came back the following day. Mum had to kick and scream which we hate doing, just to get me seen by a Gastro doctor- who admitted me.
But for a week I have received awful treatment, I have been left with low blood sugars because I have had no cannula or they have put me on the wrong bag of fluids. I have been left with no medication for 9 days with no sense of urgency. Mum had to ASK for me to be weighed. Just as she had to ASK for my blood sugars to be checked in acute medical clinic. It really does make me wonder who the doctors are sometimes.
I am now back under Dr. B's care. Who thought it would be a good idea to pass an NJ tube, incase it was nerve damage from my JEJ tube operation causing my pain. I wish that I could say it all worked fine and dandy with the NJ tube because it just hasn't. The NJ tube gives the EXACT same symptoms as the JEJ tube and it was completely intolerable.
Dr. B the consultant was away yesterday, and I was panicking I would be left with no plan for the whole of the weekend. BUT luckily my old Registrar, Dr. S was on the ward. He took one look at me and was in shock at how much weight I have lost just since discharge and says something needs to be done. Which is where the next plan comes into play.
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Just a little note to say...
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
NHS, I have no faith in you anymore.
Things aren't good right now, my body isn't comprehending and all I ask is a doctor treats me with the care and respect I deserve. I've had no feed for five day and no medication either. I didn't see a doctor until four I clock yesterday even though I was admitted the day before, no bloods have been taken and no drip. I am so upset that all I need is support whilst being so unwell and it's just not happening 😥 I can't tolerate anything through the jej anymore, not even 5mls. There has been talks of TPN which petrifies me, and my picc line is most likely being put back in as finding access is getting far too traumatic for me and time consuming for doctors, especially as it needs an ultra sound machine. I just feel completely deflated, I thought thighs were getting better but they are Infact what seems to be getting worse.
If nothing happens today we will take this into our own hands, I will leave this hospital and be seen elsewhere by healthcare professionals that actually want to support their patients. Mum and I describe this admission as "going back to a boyfriend you've been with before" it's never the same and there just isn't the same support and bond. It may sound silly but I am not in a good place. Right now my blood sugars are less than 3.2. What have they done about it? Nothing. I think it's completely outrageous and I'm getting to the point where I am angry because I am so scared no one seems to be doing anything. I am itchy from head to toe. I'm in agony. I have a headache from dehydration and they just. do. not.care. 😥
So, as I said I need to see a consultant today or I am not staying here, it's of no benefit at all lying in a hospital bed when I could be a lot more comfortable at home. Of they were doing something fair enough.
NHS you are failing me and so many others, this just isn't good enough.
Saturday, 6 September 2014
Sleep Deprived! (Written at 4.25am)
We are struggling right now, yesterday I had to go back to UHCW, I ended up being rushed through and put on a glucose drip. They wanted to keep me in, but I compromised saying I would go back today. I can't cope with being admitted again! I'm not tolerating my feed. Eve 5mls is leaving me in agony and making me nauseas then vomit. It scares me if I am honest, my body NEEDS to tolerate feed or i'm in big trouble.
I have lost even more weight since leaving hospital. I'm not officially underweight (BMI wise), so we really have no time to mess around. I am hoping gastro have some answers today. Otherwise we have a back up plan. I am going to see Pros Aziz in London on Tuesday 23rd of this month. He is the top guy, I hope and pray he has some answers. I need to get this sorted - I don't want to starve :( It makes me feel so ill when I have had no feed for so long. Luckily the IV fluids picked me up a bit.
Come on body- you can do this!!!
Love to all xxxx
Thursday, 4 September 2014
I am so blessed to have wonderful people in my life!
I haven't been feeling brilliant recently and will welcome today as a day to rest. I know sometimes I push myself too far and to do too much, but I find it so difficult to sit down and do nothing, it sends me crazy! It's something I need to get better at and will work on, because sometimes my body HAS to stop and catch- It's all going to take time to adjust.
Last night I pushed myself to go out and I am so happy I did. I have the most WONDERFUL church family that I am eternally grateful for. Thank you to those that have stuck by me, I love you all.
Chloe xx
Monday, 1 September 2014
Recap of last week!
Sunday, 31 August 2014
I may look find on the outside, but that's not how I feel.
But I look fine, so how can anything be wrong?
I can smile for photographs do everything must be fine? There can't be anything wrong when she smiles so brightly?
Wrong. So so wrong.
I spent the morning crying my heart out, out of pain and frustration that I just can't do ANYTHING I want to do for myself. I cried and cried, trying to pull myself together but I just couldn't stop the tears. I cried in hurt that I could once ride a horse and now I can't even get myself into a chair. I cried for the loss of my social life, I cried because I feel deserted, forgotten and alone. I cried because I feel guilty about all the pressure I put on my family. I cried because I was ANGRY, because this IS NOT FAIR.
But I dried the tears, got dressed and put on my make up and pushed myself to go out for the afternoon. I had a lovely time but my problems don't just go away because I want to have a family day out. I grabbed my camera and focused on taking photos. Trying to distract myself from the pain.
Now I am back in bed, wanting to just get the pain out of my body, just GET IT OUT. I cannot cope with it all, constantly with no let up. I just wish people could see I put on a brave face, and try to act strong, when I am crumbling inside. I am crashing and burning whilst trying to maintain a shell that is a complete disguise of my inner self.
I cannot walk.
I cannot eat.
(or drink)
I am steroids that if I stopped I could go into adrenal crisis.
I have a bowel that doesn't work on it's own.
I have a heart that beats too fast.
I have a constant pain that is all over my body.
(all the time)
I am ALWAYS exhausted.
I put on a brave face.
I do not wallow in self pity and feel sorry for myself.
I just get on with it!
But sometimes I feel people need to be aware I am still, very poorly.
Please, know just because I try so hard to put a smile on my face, it does not mean I am any where near okay.
Thanks guys, for your understanding.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Tiredness is just becoming overwhelming
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
This is my confession post.
Amazing bank holiday!
Monday, 25 August 2014
Much needed update!
I have a confession. I am finding blogging REALLY tough lately. It takes concentration that I just don't have right now. But I will keep trying to work through the 'brain fog' that is caused by the illnesses I have, to keep you updated. You may get a few more updates from Mum, so I don't feel like I am under pressure.
SO, Bristol?! AMAZING! I loved spending time with my family sooooo much. I loved not having to navigate round the house. I loved being able to feel the fresh air, to explore, to spend quality time with my brother (who has been absolutely amazing to me), to not have to worry about appointments and all things clinical for a whole weekend, to see uncle Ryan and the girls, then uncle Steve and auntie Anna, to shop and to SWIM! That was my greatest achievement.
It was exhausting. It was painful. There was tears and screams in the night because of the pain. There were times I was grumpy because I was just so exhausted. But I have an understanding family who just ignore me when I'm like that.
I've come home and I'm certainly paying the price. The pain is just so intense, it's a pain I cannot describe. The exhaustion isn't just tiredness, it's mental and physical exhaustion that lands me in bed with not a single gram of energy to do anything at all. I have just had a full nights sleep and I'm already forcing my eyes to stay open!
It was so nice to get home to my animals and have lots of cuddles. And we had a surprise....
Eight babies! Well done Dolly! (I think I am the only one that is pleased, well Mum is secretly pleased too hehe) It's so nice because every time we have had babies before I have gone into hospital and not been able to see them grow up. I can't wait to see these guys on their journey!
Today Dominic my fantastic architect is coming to take all the measurement he needs to start drawing the plans for my new purpose built apartment! I am soooo excited that things actually seem to be moving forward with the project. I am also going down to Binton social club who have kindly offered to donate some of their proceeds to my cause! There really is some kind people in this world. I am not sure how long I will last there but I need to at least show my face. I will continue to take things a day at a time because "slow and steady wins the race"
Thanks To Adara Diva and Tilly Rose for raising £210 for my cause, you're great!
Loads of love, Chloe xxxx